Sexual Wellness for Men

P-Shot | PRP Injection

An injection of platelet rich plasma for both men to optimize their sexual function by using a person’s own natural growth factors found in the bloodstream, unleashed and re-injected into critical sexual anatomy to induce healthy tissues.

Benefits Of PRP Injection

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection, also known as The P-Shot or Priapus Shot, represents an advance in regenerative medicine. Unlocking the power of the body’s natural growth and repair mechanisms, PRP has been used in a wide number of areas, from repair of athletic injuries to wound healing and hair restoration. Using PRP for sexual wellness is a useful addition to standard therapy, and has been seen as a safe and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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What Exactly Is The Priapus Shot?

The Priapus Shot or P-Shot as it is sometimes known, is a completely natural procedure that is non-surgical and painless. It involves the injection of platelet rich plasma into the shaft of the penis, once it has been sufficiently numbed. This attracts stem cells and growth factors that kick-start tissue growth in the nerves and blood vessels, that in turn improves the size and quality of your patient’s erections, as well as treating erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease.

What Can I Expect During The Procedure?

PRP injection therapy is performed in the office. Blood is drawn from the arm, and the PRP is prepared by Brandon Christopher, RN to separate the platelet layer from the other cells, and to concentrate it into the blood plasma. During this time, the patient will self apply a mild anesthetic cream to the treatment area. Brandon will then inject the patient for their own individualized treatment concerns. The entire injection process usually takes less than 5 minutes.

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How The P-Shot Can Help You

As briefly noted above, the Priapus Shot can be used to treat conditions that affect many male patients.

These include:

  • Peyronie’s Disease – A condition that causes curved erections.
  • Loss of sensitivity in the penis which can adversely affect enjoyment or ability to perform sex.
  • Erectile Dysfunction – this is a problem that is far more common than you may expect.

Some Of The Noted Results Patients Have Experienced After Having The P-Shot Includes:

  • Larger in both terms of girth and length (immediately in many cases).
  • Stronger erections than they have ever had, even when they were at their sexual peak.
  • A decrease in the effects of Peyronie’s Disease
  • Increased blood flow and circulation in the penis
  • Enhanced effects of ED medications, and other male sexual health therapies, if used after the Priapus Shot
  • Enhanced sensitivity and overall enjoyment of sexual intercourse



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